As electronic devices demand higher digital serial data transmission rate, recent development of serial I/O interface accelerates in tandem with an increasing need for high performance Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) to control components/parts cost. At higher serial data speeds, ability to maintain Signal Integrity (Quality) becomes critical through impedance control and matching.
Ventura V-Flex ® High Performance, Cost Effective Impedance Controlled FFC utilizes our company's proprietary V-Flex 'Selective Shielding FFC'TM method employing both Shielding and Controlled Capacitance to achieve the required characteristic impedance to attain the required spec. of serial data transfer speed. Our R&D team utilises the premier Tektronix Digital Serial Analyser and high performance Agilent Pattern Generator in aid to design and test of FFC's impedance verifying and conforming to stringent product specifications.